Add a shift

After adding employees to your business account, you can start building schedules for employees.

Before sending a schedule to everyone, you need to add shifts to that schedule first.

Add a shift

  1. Hover over the cell you want to add a shift, click the button at the bottom-right corner.
  2. Click Create Custom Shift. If you have pre-made shift templates, you can select one here instead of entering details manually.
  3. Fill in the details of the shift:
    • Assign To: Select the employee you want to assign the shift to.
    • Open Shift: Turn this off if you want to assign the shift to a specific employee.
    • Start Time: Select the starting date and time of the shift.
    • End Time: Select the ending date and time of the shift.
    • Unpaid Break: Enter the duration of the unpaid break of the shift.
    • Position: Select the duty/job title of the employee taking that shift.
    • Note: Write down your notes for the assignee.
    • Attachments: Upload files to attach them to the shift.
    • Job Site: Select the location where the shift takes place.
    • Repeat: Select options to create recurring shifts.
  4. When you’re done, click Create Shift.
Shift details Camelo scheduler app
  1. Go to the Scheduler tab at the bottom of your screen.
  2. Select Add Shift or tap a calendar cell to add a shift.
  3. Fill in the details of the shift:
    • Open Shift: Turn this off if you want to assign the shift to a specific employee.
    • Employee: Select the employee you want to assign the shift to.
    • Start Time: Select the starting date and time of the shift.
    • End Time: Select the ending date and time of the shift.
    • Unpaid Break: Enter the duration of the unpaid break of the shift.
    • Position: Select the duty/job title of the employee taking that shift.
    • Job Site: Select the location where the shift takes place.
    • Repeat: Select options to create recurring shifts.
    • Add note: Write down your note.
  4. Tap Add.

💡 From the Scheduler tab, you can click/tap any block on the calendar to create a shift. This will be convenient as you can assign shifts to a specific employee, for a specific date.

What’s next?

📌 Learn how to publish shifts

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