Approve and reject leave requests

The leave request feature on Camelo allows business owners and managers to approve leaves right from their phones, saving a huge time spent on paperwork and administration.

Approve/reject leave requests from your phone

  1. Go to the Menu tab at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Scroll to the AWAITING APPROVAL section, then select Leaves.
  3. From the Pending tab, you’ll see a list of leave requests waiting for your approval.
  4. Review each request and swipe it to the left, then select Approve/Reject.

📌 Tap Approve all pending requests to approve all requests waiting for your approval.

📌 When you tap on a leave request, a screen with details of the request will open. You can tap the Approve button at the bottom, or tap Comment to send the employee a message.

Approve/reject leave requests from Notifications inbox

You’ll receive a notification in your Notifications inbox every time someone submits a new leave request. You can review and approve leave requests right from there.

  1. Go to the Notifications tab at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Review the leave requests, then tap Approve/Reject.

Approve/reject leave requests from your computer

  1. Go to the Dashboard page on Camelo Web.
  2. Scroll to the Pending Request section to review the requests.
  3. Click Accept to approve the request or Decline to decline the request.
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Approve and reject leave requests

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